Public Works

Public Works
Welcome to Hermon Public Works!
For questions regarding Hermon Public Works, Transfer Station, Cemeteries and Jackson Beach contact:

Nick Haggerty at (207) 570-6494
Cemetery Maps
Hermon is the proud home of five cemeteries:
Evergreen Cemetery, Hermon Pond Cemetery , Pine Tree Cemetery , Pleasant Hill Cemetery , & Snow’s Corner Cemetery . We work hard to keep our cemeteries well maintained for the sake of the loved ones who rest there.
If you have questions about our cemeteries please reach out to our Cemetery Sexton Richard Coffin at: (207) 992-7619
Linked below are the maps of the five cemeteries:
Curbside Pickup & Waste Disposal
Beginning October 16, 2024, your residential curbside material will be picked up by an automated side-load truck. Residents will no longer have to provide their own bins. All material must be inside of the cart with the lid closed. Casella will no longer collect material left outside of their respective carts.
When is trash day? Check out the Curbside Pickup Schedule or the Curbside Pickup Map
See below for more details:

Local: Hermon: 207-561-6611
Toll Free: 888-869-5249
Holidays – Household Waste Collection
- New Year’s Day
- Memorial Day
- Independence Day
- Labor Day
- Thanksgiving
- Christmas
Note: Casella recognizes six actual holiday dates listed above and does not recognize “observed dates”. If a holiday falls on a weekend day, your weekly trash pick-up schedule will not be affected. If a holiday falls on a week day, your trash will be picked up one day later than usual.
Driveway Sand

Residents of Hermon can come to the Town office to get sand for slippery driveways and walkways for free! The pile is located at the Town Office beside the Public Safety building and is mixed with road salt.
Sand is for private residential use only.
Questions? Call 207-848-1010.
Electronic & Hazardous Waste
Disposal of Household Hazardous Waste
What is Household Hazardous Waste? How do I know if the item I wish to dispose of is hazardous?
Household hazardous waste cannot be included in your regular trash that is collected curbside. Hazardous waste contain chemicals that pose significant environmental hazards if not properly disposed of. Common examples of household hazardous waste are as follows:
- oil and latex paints;
- pesticides and insecticides;
- fluorescent lights;
- thermometers and thermostats;
- oil and gasoline;
- cleaning products and chemicals.
If you have a question about whether the material you wish to dispose of is hazardous and if it should/should not be included in your regular trash collection, please contact Public Works at 207-848-1010. For items that are not appropriate to include in regular trash pick up, see below for disposal options.
How do I properly dispose of Household Hazardous Waste?
There are a number of options that Hermon residents can use to dispose of common household hazardous waste.
Pesticides / Insecticides
Once a year, usually in the Fall, the Maine Pesticide Board provides a free collection of obsolete pesticides. To participate, you must send in a registration form that will include information of what you plan to bring to the collection. The collection is free for all homeowners as well as non-corporate farmers and greenhouse operators. To learn more, please visit:
If you cannot participate in the annual obsolete pesticide collection, please call the Maine Board of Pesticides Control at 207-287-2731.
Latex Paints
Allow the paint to evaporate by taking the lid off. Cat litter can be added to the can to hasten drying time. Once the paint is dried out, place the can with contents into 2 trash bags. Place in normal trash for pickup.
Car, lawn mower, and boat batteries
Residents should consider returning these to the place they were purchased or call AIM at 207-947-3710 to inquire about disposal.
Oil-Based Paints, Varnishes & Polyurethanes
Oil based paints, varnishes & polyurethanes are considered hazardous waste and must be properly disposed of. The best way to dispose of paint is to use it! If you cannot use it, try giving it away or donating it to an organization that can. Dispose of waste paint through the Maine Paint Care program:
Mercury Lightbulbs
May be recycled at Ace Hardware in Hermon.
Mercury Thermostats
Residents can bring mercury thermostats to any of a number of electrical supply stores in Bangor. Use the search term “help me recycle” in your browser to get the Maine DEP map showing all available locations (
For all other household hazardous waste
You can contact the Bangor office of the Maine Department of Environmental Protection at (207) 941-4570 to find out about additional ways to dispose of hazardous waste. The Maine Environmental Depot, located in Lewiston, accepts household hazardous waste from any Maine citizen. To learn more about the depot, please call: 207-786-7390.
In addition, residents can also inquire with the following local waste management facilities to inquire about hazardous waste disposal:
Evergreen Waste (call 207-942-1930)
Pine Tree Waste (call 207-862-4200 Ext. 220);
Wesco Distribution (call 207-942-6713) or;
Mailbox Pozlicy & Installation Guide
Disposing of Cardboard
Residents can drop off clean waste cardboard for recycling at the Town Office. Material is accepted at 333 Billings Road, from sunrise to sunset, 7 days per week. Cardboard must be broken down in order to fit in the dumpster. Cardboard that is soiled with food, grease, oil, or filled with packing materials (packing peanuts, styrofoam, plastic) will not be accepted. These will contaminate a load and prevent it from being recycled. Only Hermon resident household cardboard can be disposed of in these dumpsters- business waste is NOT permitted and non-resident cardboard is NOT permitted.
The recycling area is under camera surveillance, please do the right thing and recycling cardboard only.
Any other material is consider trash and needs to be disposed of in your solid waste that is collected weekly curbside.
Disposing of Other Recycled Material
Residents can drop off clean recycling at the Town Office rear parking lot.
Please see the chart below.
Roadway Parking
It is illegal to park in or on roadways in the State of Maine, per Title 29A, 2069.
Parked in violation. A law enforcement officer or the Department of Transportation may cause the removal of a vehicle or require the operator to move the vehicle from a location in violation of section 2068, subsection1 to a location where parking is permitted.
Interfering with snow removal, normal traffic movement. A law enforcement officer may cause the removal to a suitable parking place, at the expense of the registered owner, of a vehicle interfering with snow removal or the normal movement of traffic or parked within the limits of a right-of-way. The Department of Transportation may take the same action for a vehicle standing on property under its jurisdiction.
Liability for damages; charges. The State, a political subdivision of the State or a law enforcement officer is not liable for damage that may be caused by removal of a vehicle or for any towing or storage charges.
The fine for the summons of the above law is $152.00.
State & Local Roads Map
The “State-Local Road Map & Index” link below shows Hermon’s local roadways and Hermon’s State aid highways. The “State aid” roads are shown in bold. If you live on one of these roadways and need service for issues in the right of way, please call Bangor MDOT at 207-941-4500.
All other local road inquiries should go to Hermon Public Works at 207-848-1010.

The State Highway System determines maintenance responsibility. The State Highway System is grouped into three categories:
- State Highways form a system of connected routes throughout the state that primarily serve intra- and interstate traffic. With the exception of compact areas, the MaineDOT has responsibility for the year-round maintenance of state highways. The State Highway category generally corresponds with the federal ‘arterial’ classification.
- State Aid Highways connect local roads to the State Highway System and generally serve intracounty rather than intrastate traffic movement. With the exception of compact areas, state aid roads are usually maintained by MaineDOT in the summer and by the municipalities in the winter pursant to State Law 23 MRSA 1003. The State Aid Highway category generally corresponds with the federal ‘collector’ classification.
- Townways are all other highways not included in the State Highway or State Aid Highway classifications that are maintained by municipalities or counties. These roads are classified as federal ‘local’ roads.
Transfer Station

Hermon’s Transfer Station has recently been upgraded to a container system that is ecologically and environmentally sound, convenient and safe! The Transfer Station also offers a compost drop-off area for clean leaves and grass.
The transfer station, located at 200 New Boston Road, will open Saturday, April 27, 2024. The operation hours are 8 am to 4 pm (or dusk) every Saturday except holiday weekends. The final day of operation for the transfer station will be the Saturday before Thanksgiving. For additional information and a fee schedule, please click the link below:
Transfer-Station-Question-Answer-2024 (3)
Fee Schedule & Permit Cost:
Yearly Permit: $10.00 must be purchased at the Town Office or from transfer station attendant with valid Hermon vehicle registration.
- Bulky Items – $ 15.00 per item
- Demolition Debris/Bulky Items – (no Shingles) $ 40.00 per pickup load, $ 25.00 per half load
- Propane Tank – $ 10.00 per item, only accepted if empty with valve removed
- Scrap Metals – free of charge for small single items (arm full), $ 30.00 per pickup load
- White Goods – $ 20.00 per item (with or without Freon)
- Specialty Recycling
Cell Phones | 4.00 Each | Printers/Fax/Scanners | 5.00 Each | |
Freon: A/C, Dehumidifier, Refrigerator | 20.00 Each | Smoke Detectors | 10.00 Each | |
Halogen/Incandescent light bulb | 0.50 Each | Straight Fluorescent lamp | 2.00 Each | |
Hard Drives | 5.00 Each | Televisions/CRT Monitors | 5.00 Each | |
HID/Sodium Lamps | 1.00 Each | U-Bend/Circle/(CFL) Lamps | 1.00 Each | |
Laptops/CPU’s | 5.00 Each | UV Lamps/4′ Coated Fluorescents | 1.50 Each |
Please take notice: Bagged household waste must be put out curbside for weekly trash collection.
Disposing of Other Recycled Material
Residents can drop off clean recycling and cardboard at the back of the Town Office parking lot in the containers 24/7. Please see the chart below.
This area is under 24-hour video surveillance.